Donor-Advised Funds -they are easier than you think

Charity roadsign

Donor-Advised Funds: A Tax Planning Tool for Church and Charity Donations Do you give money to your church? Do you get a tax benefit from those donations? How about your donations to other charities? Recent changes in the tax code have done much to destroy your benefits from church and other tax-deductible 501(c)(3) donations. But…

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Questions from our clients on the new tax law

Tax Reform post-it pad

The following questions are ones that we get asked every week at this time of year. Below are the answers that factor in the new tax law that will affect the 2018 returns. Will I be able to save on taxes if I prepay my January 2019 mortgage bill before the end of the year in…

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A tax break for Seniors

Amount owed on tax return

Sometimes Congress actually gets something right! This happens so rarely that I wanted to write a special blog post on it. Clients who have followed our advice over the years tend to retire with no mortgage debt and few out-of-pocket medical expenses. This leaves their charitable contributions as the main source of itemized deductions to…

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