If Alexa were made by Southerners . . .

Alexa device by Amazon

Sometimes during the final deadlines of the 1040 tax season, you just need a good laugh. Thus, in the spirit of tax humor, we present – What if Alexa was built by Southern folks? To view, click on the play button, and the speaker icon for sound. If Alexa was Southern The future has arrived,…

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How the banking system really works

money on fire

Sometimes you just need to laugh a little. After our video parody of stockbrokers, and the IRS’ self-made spoof of Star Trek, we felt equal time was due to the banking industry. This video is a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor on how the banking system really works! Joking aside, a good banker and stockbroker are…

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Before we get serious about 2013 . . .

With new changes coming on the home office deduction, reporting of savings accounts, how IRS has managed the new preparer requirements etc, perhaps we should have a quick bit of fun. There’s a lot of swearing in (and swearing at as well) of members of Congress and the President this month. Nothing strikes closer to…

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