Do you receive Social Security, Civil Service, or VA Benefits

scales of justice and a gavel

From one of our Elder-Law attorney friends Ira Leff As the old joke goes, there’s good news and bad news…   The good news is that your Social Security, Civil Service, and V.A. benefits are going up in January by 1.3 percent. So, if you are currently receiving $1,000 per month gross income, starting in…

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What simple math can tell you about Social Security

Number of workers paying into social security

You don’t have to be a genius to know what simple math ratios indicate is happening to social security. Just take a look at the chart below, and you’ll know why you can’t trust Social Security exclusively for your retirement. [lightbox link=”” thumb=”×673.jpg” width=”940″ align=”left” title=”numberssworkers” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””] Planning now is always better than…

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